What Are the Advantages of Waterproof Flashlights?
, by Chas Waters, 2 min reading time
, by Chas Waters, 2 min reading time
It’s dark outside. It’s wet. And you need some light. What do you do?
Many people whip out their smartphones, expecting the flashlight app to guide their way. Flashlight apps work perfectly when you want to find your glasses that slipped under the bed. They’re not meant for heavy-duty jobs, especially in damp indoor or outdoor spaces.
Waterproof flashlights, on the other hand, are engineered to work in both ordinary and inhospitable circumstances. If you’re in the market for a new one to store in your vehicle or keep on hand at home, read on to learn more about the advantages of upgrading to a waterproof version.
Any nature enthusiast will tell you that the skies can open up when you least expect it, including when you’re in the middle of nowhere. This situation is beyond frustrating and even dangerous, as heavy rainstorms can limit your visibility significantly.
An old-school flashlight does not have the staying power to handle all the moisture that can seep in, causing it to burn out and leave you without light. High-quality LED waterproof flashlights feature sealed switches and plugs, stopping water from getting into the product.
Dimly lit areas hide hazards, including uneven terrain and low-hanging obstacles. When it’s wet, those hazards may be obscured even more. You’ll definitely want to use a flashlight, but you might hesitate to break your old one out because you know it can only handle so much moisture.
Let’s face it — humans can’t see in the dark. The only way to feel comfortable moving around when it’s dark and rainy or sleeting is to have a waterproof flashlight that you know won’t fizzle out.
Even if you invest in a flashlight with an intuitive grip, you can’t promise you won’t fumble it like a football. That means your flashlight could end up in a mud puddle, a swimming pool or even a lake.
Waterproof flashlights can handle occasional submersion for a limited period of time. In other words, when you accidentally drop your flashlight into a body of water, you’ll have enough time to fish it out before it’s ruined.
Flat tires and failing batteries always seem to happen after the sun goes down. Waiting for an emergency tow truck or technician alone in a vehicle that may or may not have power can feel isolating. When it’s raining, that feeling ends up being magnified.
With a waterproof flashlight in your car, SUV or truck, you can ensure that you’re not at the mercy of nasty weather patterns. Plus, you can use a high-powered LED waterproof flashlight as a beacon during rain events to attract upcoming traffic to your situation.
You know you need a flashlight. Why not take the plunge and purchase a waterproof option from Panther Vision? You’ll always be able to light your way no matter what the circumstances. Shop the FLATEYE™ today.